CategoryPatch Notes

Improvements, bugfixes and any other updates or changes to the game will be posted here. Follow regularly!

Latest game updates

We’ve deployed a bunch of game updates during the last week:

-Fixed a bug where while clicking, autoclicker might act as if out of focus and „stacking up damage“. This made it lag and in case of Boss Battles skip the timer a bit ahead.

-The game will now properly fetch user data and re init all displays on start of BootCamp in case of a logout/auth change during gameplay (this might have happen in a logout during the gameplay)

– Game help will now open in-game. Help section will be vastly updated in the following days as well

– Fixed/improved the way council’s voting share works. Before in case of under 20 council members, or 20 council and just a few users, the game forced council to have exactly i.e. 75% of the say. Now if council by default has already the required voting power or more, no additional balancing will be done. This ensures council members always have the biggest say to make important decisions (before it could happen in some cases that non-council members actually had more say) Continue reading

Patches and bugfixes – 7th – 22nd December

WarClicks Patch notes

WarClicks Patch notes

The past 14 days we’ve been consistently improving the game – bugfixes, optimizations and various other improvements.

  • Spin the Wheel gold collect bug fixed
  • Removed score from achievements as it resulted in weird scenarios/Experience as it’s now changed in both worlds
  • Press page overhaul

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Patch Notes – bug smashed


I’m happy to say that the illusive bug that’s been getting away every-time after being stomped, has finally been finished with a bug spray!

I’m talking about the sync/saving issue on BootCamp where users lost progress/PP/units bought. Thanks to several players who helped us pinpoint the issue with their feedback we managed to track it down to deploying troops – where indeed was some issue.


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Small Graphical tweaks and storyline

Small graphical tweaks and storyline from warclicks

WarClicks update – Major patch notes

Following up on the weekly competitions release, we wanted to give you a more detailed look of changes since our last patch note – as there’s been many small changes in between, along with many within the competition update it self. That, and some more info on some needed changes along with the competitions that affect your gameplay.

  • various new upgrades have been added to BootCamp progression at later stages, along with some progression improvements

  • a few bugs in WarZone progression have been fixed, along with some exploit prevention for gaining a bit higher score

  • Prevention and automatic fix of some rare bug that froze WarZone for some players

  • Some basic mobile adaptation has been done that makes Warclicks much better playable on mobile devices already (far from optimized, but it’s playable for many now)

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Competitions update delayed

We have some unfortunate news regarding the newest competitions update – we were getting new updates live, but ran into some major performance issues, due to which we have to postpone it, as some things need to be optimized.

We were really looking forward to getting this out now, as it’s a really cool update – and we tried to come up with some fast improvements, but it is simply not sufficient enough to put it out without temporary issues/major slowness in latency.

We will have to rework how we handle some data first thing next week and get it out then.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and the additional delay.

Quick development update

Hey everyone,
We would just like to say thank you for the patience in the past 2 week  with the various delays we have been having in getting things sorted.

Starting today, we will tend to the tickets you’ve sent and handle any refunds/compensations for lost progress in the issues in the past 2 weeks.

We will also begin working on fixing several bugs and issue and continue work on further improvements.

Development Status update

Hey everyone!

We felt like we need to give you a proper update and explanation of the past few weeks’ delays in our responses and mainly about some development delays we have been facing – slow bugfixes, lack of updates/patches and setbacks in working on additional game features and just generally making the game even funner to play.

First of, we have had some availability issues with our main project programmer, which resulted in lack of urgent bugfixes and work on new features and improvements pretty much stalled due to this. In the meantime, to keep the game and development from completely stalling, I have picked up on any urgent bugfixes and worked on updating the game as much as I could myself. This not only slowed down the pace of development but also caused a lack of progress on some other areas we want to improve and focus on in April – being more in touch with the community, improving game progression and work together with the team to discuss future updates to the game thoroughly, and give you a proper idea of where we want to head with future development.

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Server Issues resolved

You might have noticed that we had several server issues in about the past 24 hours, that caused super slow loading of the game and issue with server requests timing out.

This resulted in several what looked like bugs, issues with saving, loss of progress as it was all caused by the inability for your progress to be saved and checked properly on the server all the time and generally caused a horrible/unreliable gameplay experience as the game is dependent on server updates due to its competitive/multiplayer nature.

The issues were caused by some attacks by a user that exploited a temporary Continue reading

WarClicks Patch 6 – 15th March 2017

Latest patch has been deployed.

Patch changes:

  • Earlier today several players were experiencing serious bugs with entering WarZone. This has been fixed and there should be no more issues in WarZone freezing or not loading.
  • Certain defense bugs have also been fixed – it should now work properly. Additionally, we have increased the number of units while defending, to ensure you can destroy at least some units in every defense chance.
  • Several Country Invasion bugs have been fixed
  • When clicking TC the state updates ow to ensure all fuel is properly added and there’s not a difference between front end and actual gained fuel stored in the database.
  • New day Warzone chance resets have been improved in some cases, when it was not working properly for a few users in very specific cases.

If even after these fixes you still experience any of the above bugs, please let us know so we are aware and can look further into it. Hopefully, we won’t hear from you. Well at least above the above bugs, we’re happy to hear from you about anything else :)