As we are focused working on the big updates (lategame extension, research system, re-balancing), and are meanwhile not able to trickle many other updates, we figured to give you a sneak peak of these updates!
- *Note that these are all work in progress, and UI, design and exact details are subject to major tuning still, and most things you see are placholders – we won’t use lego figures for the final release
- We are also welcoming any feedback & further requests/ideas, as with a lot of core code prepared, we are now getting to the details of these updates, that are still very much agile and in continued discussion. Read below for detaisl on what exactly we’d love to hear more from you about.
Here is the core of our “research system” – basic funtionality of inventory and technology generation, which believe it or not was one of the most time consuming parts of this feature.
Research System – sneak peak link
“Boot Camp restarts”
This might not look like much, but most work for adding a feature where you can start a new Boot Camp is actually on the backend, and is mostly done! We’ve also already added limits on deploying, increased support unit gains from new worlds…
SUPPORT UNITS getting bigger
We’ve also finished recoding code that will allow us to support huge amounts of support units, which is the pillar for any balancing of deploys, new boot camp world, research system and balancign War zone progression.

Support units
WARZONE battles reworked
We have also reworked the way we create, read and store War Zone battles, which allows us to indefinitely scale battles, their units and optimzied the whoel procedure, which is not important for this update, but also any future ones. We also took the chance to do some quick additions in units you see on the battlefield and some graphical improvements.
WZ battles reworked – sneak peak link
There are many more details that these updates will cover, but we are happy to let you know that are progressing well, and have finished many of the most challenging coding parts. Now comes the balancing, design improvements, making sure everything fits well into the existing gameplay and user experience. As these updates will in essence speed some parts of the game, we will also try to improve some existing issues with it if possible – some remaining cases of undeserved saving issues. If not when the updates roll out, we’ll look into them immediately after, as well as various automation options that will make some of the repeatable actions much less of a grind.
The ETA for these updates to come out is 2-3 weeks (we had a slightly late start due to lack of time, but in fact managed to get all things so far done much quicker than estimated). Exact dates and how updates will be structured/distributed will be known as we get closer to finishing the features.
As we are now getting to the details of these updates, we are very much open to additional suggestions that might help reprioritize certain details, such as:
- What should be exact requirements of starting a new Boot Camp?
What sort of new Boot Camp perks would you like to see. Currently considered:
Start with trainers always, start with X units, start with X Power Points, get an extra privatizationMX during this run, extra % of support units, extra % boost on certain production units, flat otu x% starting boost) - What sort of boosts would you like to get from the new researched technologies, that you can build up over time indefinitely? (We have over 15+ considered here, but are open to additional ideas)
- Any specific functionalities you like inventory/research systems to have? (i.e. Auto combine items, auto research…)
- Suggestions on names of technologies researched
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