It’s Monday and we are fully busy with all remaining tasks! 😛 The whole team is squeezing heads together, working late hours to fix any remaining bugs left, improving latest details of the upcoming release of new features and setting every small piece into one – ‘giant one’.
The old Country Invasion was a big pain in the ass for a remake… We’ve reworked all the Math behind it, new currencies, new leaderboards, new functions,… And in the meantime, also working on a completely new feature which will now be completely independent. Chat as we-ve all known so far, won’t be just a part of CI anymore, but will be available through the entire game!!
Yeah, we are adding more social elements to War Clicks as our players deserve to have fun playing the game, and if some of you guys find the additional value of the game in a great community– we will be more than happy to see that!
A single image can tell more than 1000 words, so take a look at the first sneak peak of the upcoming Chat, which we are releasing in a day or two:

New chat version
Why is the CI rework taking so much time?
As it doesn’t affect just the newly specified feature – Country Headquarters, but also adding some changes & improvements to some other features as well! On top of us just trying to prepare & test it really well
The Chat was built from scratch – you’ll now be able to show off your customized profile, level reached in War Zone, help other – newbies to understand the game better, have some nice chats with other members in the country chat, exchange experiences,…
As shown in the picture above every country will have its own Chat room. In General chat only English will be allowed as everyone will be able to chat there. Users will be able to take part and communicate not just with players from their country, but with others as well. This is the main difference we are now adding! If we compare the old version of the chat, where only Country chats were available, we should see a lot of difference in the new version.
Players from countries that don’t have lots of players will be able to join general chats, and by that engage with other players (that wasn’t possible in the old version).
Also… new battle screen is coming: read more…
Can’t wait that we put everything together as we want – after that it will be your turn to test & play new features! 😉
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