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Challenge #1 – The Winner takes it all!



Who is going to win our first Challenge on War Clicks?
– We are giving away HUGE rewards on the upcoming weekly competition round (June 10th-16th)… read below to get more details on this!

On top of giving out our usual weekly rewards on competitions, we now decided to give out some crazy rewards for the winners of the upcoming competition round!
This is something special we never run on War Clicks, so it is supposed to be different than the usual round, being more competitive for those who want to join and compete with other soldiers for the winning spot,Title and rewards!

*So, what is extra here?
We are preparing the Special Recognition system– ”My Titles” page on profiles, where all of your special titles reached within the game will be stored – that’s how you could now also differentiate from others by reaching the special titles on challenges, events, …
(We’ll also add the Titles to those (we promised) who won the previous Events)

We’ll let you know more about this update before we release it – hopefully that’d be soon!

The Special competitions on the round during (June 10th-16th) will be running in different categories:

Competitions for our late-game players:

  1. TOP players by SCORE

  2. Top players by Power Points

  3. TOP players by Contractors increase

Competition for our mid and start-game players:
4. TOP players by Levels gained

Who is going to take it all? The Rules…
Rewards will be distributed only to winners of every category mentioned above.So, we will deliver rewards only to 4 different users in this Challenge. Only max. 1 reward per user will be distributed.

Reward distribution
Rewards will be distributed manually to the winners within 3 days after the competition round ends.

*In case the same user wins 2 categories, only 1 category will be taken into account for rewards (the one where user won with bigger advantage % before the 2nd ranked). In that case, we’ll also reward 2nd ranked user in the category where the difference between 1st and 2nd user was smaller (2nd user will be that’s how taken as an eligible winner of the category -).

The rewards:
The Total amount of rewards is one of the biggest so far!!
We’ll be giving out 100,000 Gold to our players, which will be divided in every category equally:

Group 1 – Top player by Score will be winning 25.000 Gold
Group 2 – Top player by Power Points will be winning 25.000 Gold
Group 3– Top player by Contractor increase will be winning 25.000 Gold
Group 4 – Top player by Level Gained will be winning 25.000 Gold

We wish you all the best on the upcoming Challenge #1 ! 😉

Huge boosters await!

Days are running by fast. It’s Tuesday already, which means that the MuscleMan Event will soon end (this Friday, June 7th).
But, we are here with some great news… we’ve prepared some additional Boosts on Top of the ones you already got at the start of this Event – so we are now giving out an additional pack of Steroid Boosters which grants you x10 BOOST for 10 minutes (every chance).

How to get extra 10 Boosters for the Event?
Use the code STEROIDS (insert it within the activity rewards)

Need more help? – watch this short video to help you out:

Claim reward

Claim reward

Now, jump in the game to receive the boosters! 😉

Play War Clicks

Wish you lots of fun while activating Steroid Boosters! 😉

The MuscleMan Event – info, questions, reports, ideas, …

The MuscleMan event started last Friday and will be playable until this Friday, June 7th. You still have a few days left to get that exclusive Boxing Champion title!

Gain valuable rewards on your journey there and try to beat other players’ scores to gain powerful boosts at the end of the event!

We wanted to do some things differently this event, to make the competition more interesting to the last minute!

This event has the following changes:

  • Event multiplier prices are FAR cheaper, and all players are only able to buy a maximum of 2 during this event

  • All players can only use a maximum of 10 time warps within this event (1h, 2h or 3h ones; 10 in total)

  • A completely new feature “Steroid Time!” has been added, that allows you to increase your Damage per second and resources prices/Cash per second by 10x for 10 minutes!
    All players have 10 of these available, so use them wisely! (*This boost is not applied when Time Warping)

We hope you enjoy this a bit different event – we’re always open to feedback and will take notes for any future events to switch them up every now and then 😉

Have fun! 😉

MuscleMan Event

MuscleMan Event

A completely new feature The Command Center (with Research System) is now LIVE!

The day has finally come… War Clicks is now richer for a completely new feature called The Command Center!

Command Center

Command Center

What is the new feature about and how can you enter it?

Command center is the hub of your production and military advancements. Here you will be able to research powerful technologies, select your preferred loadouts, buy powerful upgrades helping every area of your army and unlock useful upgrades and quality of life settings that will make managing everything a whole lot easier!

The Command Center is accessible from the Icon below Milestones/ Achievements (Soldier icon, left-side menu).

Today, we have released the very first version of the Command center, but more is still to come in the near future. We plan to add Automation on Researching, new types of boosts, upgrades, unlocks and we may change some numbers within the feature after we get decent details on this.

Also with this update, we removed Battle Stars reward from ranks and achievements, as they were meaningless and scaled awfully. These have been replaced with gaining Research Points, which will allow you to research powerful boosts! Levels will keep Battle Stars as a reward, but also award your Research Points. Another source of Research points are Renown levels – more details on all of these can be found within the feature.

*PS: You should have all research points for past levels, renown, achievements, ranks reached added when you first visit the game 😉

To not take too much of your time, here is the link for those willing to get to know more about the new Command Center:

The Command Center – New Feature


Enter the Command Center here...

Enter the Command Center here…

Command center is the hub of your production and military advancements. Here you will be able to research powerful technologies, select your preferred loadouts, buy powerful upgrades helping every area of your army and unlock useful upgrades and quality of life settings that will make managing everything a whole lot easier!

The main area of your attention here will be the research system. 
You will collect Research Points (RP) from various activities:

  • Reaching levels (after level 5, each level gives 1 RP, and increases by 1 every 100th level, capping at 10 RP)
  • Reaching ranks (each rank reached gives 1 more RP, starting at 1 RP)
  • Reaching renown (each renown gives 1 more RP – starting at 1 RP, capping at 5RP)
  • Collecting achievements (each achievement of the same type gives 1 more RP, starting at 1 RP, capping at 20 RP)

You can then use these Research points for conducting researches with your research teams, developing powerful technologies that you can then equip to your loadouts to activate them. Research points can also be used to buy permanent useful upgrades. You can only research new items if you have empty inventory slots or research team is not yet occupied.

Command Center

Command Center

As you reach further levels you will unlock more loadout slots, more research teams and more inventory slots. Inventory slots become important, as you will have to decide on combining your technologies into more powerful ones, or re-inventing them – reinventing will refund your Research Points and allow you to research again, hopefully a better technology!
Conducting researches gives you a chance to produce a technology for one of your loadout slots (Boot Camp, War Zone or Country HQ). As you conduct research you will improve your research levels, giving your new technologies higher boosts. Gaining new research level stars by requiring 3 researches, and goes up by 1 more, up to a max 10 required for a new level.

Items researched will give boosts based on your research level. However, researching a more rare technology will give higher leveled boosts (Common – +0 levels, Uncommon +1, Rare +2, Very Rare +3, Epic +4)

There are various boosts that can be researched for each technology type:

  • Boot Camp – production multiplier (+0.1% per level), production multipliers for L/A/W unit types (+0.1% per level)
  • War Zone – DPC multiplier (+0.2% per level), support multiplier(+0.3% per level), PvP power multiplier(+1% per level)
  • Country HQ – coming soon
    Having several of the same boosts equipped in your loadout is additive, but the overall effect of loadout equipped boosts is multiplicative.

We will be adding a ton more useful boosts that can be researched in the near future!


As you fill up your inventory slots you will have to either re-invent your technologies (and keep researching, hoping for a better one to be discovered by your teams – this refunds your RP but ALSO reduces your research level progress), or combine technologies of the same type (indicated by their icon and name) to clear up inventory slots.

Combining items destroys them, and makes a new stronger one (clears up 1 inventory slot), it is done in the following way:
Name/type of technology will be taken, the higher rarity of the technologies will be taken, level of the highest technology will be taken.
If boosts from both technologies are different, it will combine their top 3 (highest leveled boosts!) boosts.

If one of the technologies already had 3 different boosts, and the type of top boosts did not change, then the highest leveled boost will be increased by one level, and the technology level will also be increased by one.

Similarly, if combining technologies have one boost, and its of the same type, the higher level boost will be taken, and its level increased by one.

Early-game changes, details

  • Starting tutorials were modified for a better user guidance through basic in-game operations
  • Privatization alert was added – when you fulfill the requirements for privatization a pending sign will appear over the privatization
  • milestone achieved animation was changed to a more positive one
  • War Zone is presented earlier in the game so the user can see what the game is about as a whole
  • Some tutorial and other presentation texts were formatted for a more easy-to-read experience
  • Autoclicker can be accessed earlier than before – battle 4

FYI: Tomorrow morning we’ll be releasing one of the biggest additions/ features of War Clicks – a completely new feature called The Command Center, that will contain the new Research System as well as allow us to add various unlocks of QoL, settings etc. within it. For this update we will have to go into a short maintenance, during which the game will not be playable – it will be a quick one, probably lasting less than 30 minutes. Maintenance will be done somewhere between 7:00-9:00 (am) GMT.

We’ll keep you updated!

Research system – sneak peek

Work in progress -> final version coming out early next week! 😉

Research system

Research system

Balancing changes to Tactical map (New Boot Camps)

We are really happy with how the New Boot camps generally turned out, we hope all the late-game players enjoy the hastened progression, tons of support units and generally re-vitalized gameplay!

Tactical Map

Tactical Map

And while the new BC progressions speed and limits seem to be well set, we did notice that some of the top old-time active players (with a ton of badges boosts, investors etc.) seem to be reaching for new BCs at a rate that is a bit alarming. We wanted to hit a soft spot of 1-4 weeks between reaching new BCs (after reaching the first one), as that would keep a great gameplay experience pace, that doesn’t require too much manual work all the time, as well as doesn’t cause potential “power creep”, which is important for long time game integrity!

So we decided to implement a change we had in reserve, that will prevent new BCs being reached too fast, as you gather more and more boosts via various activities – especially with the upcoming Research system, which will add more boosts to both Boot Camp and War Zone, and automation unlocks/options which will generally optimize gameplay and speed up progression even more.
So from today onwards, we’ve changed the minimum limits to start new Boot Camps to start at 1e200 Power Points, and increase by 1e10 (only from 4th Boot Camp requirements onwards) for each next Boot Camp. This requirement will cap at 1e250.

This means that the first 2 new Boot Camps will still remain at 1e200 requirement, which ensures that everyone can reach the first extra bonuses quicker, and beyond that it will take a bit longer. These are just changes in place that will allow us to add additional boosts via Research system, be more generous with event rewards etc.

We hope you enjoy the new Boot Camps – we will continue looking to improve the experience, so if you have any other suggestions/feedback regarding this feature make sure to let us know via Reddit!

P.S.: We will share more info on Research system next week, as the release of that feature is very very close as well :)

Idle Military game with late-game extensions you can’t miss out!

It is finally here – the first and most crucial major update that is to come on War Clicks in May – Late-game rework & “New Boot Camps”!

We’ve already released a bunch of general info about it and what all it entailed, but as the update is now live we’re going to quickly list all the changes and updates that come with it.

You can also find more general information in one of our previous posts about this update, if you haven’t read them yet:

*NOTE: Before proceeding, we’d just like to note down that we have done our best to release this update as clean, bug free and well-balanced as possible, we would still like to ask for your understanding should you find any issues and report them to us if you do, so we may correct them as soon as possible. It was simply an update of massive scale, so we might have missed something, despite rigorous testing. Especially if you find a game-breaking bug or an exploit, please report those immediately and we will gladly reward any such first reports for it. If you experience any new issues with this feature (like map scrolling) we suggest to use Google Chrome/Firefox for time being. Thank you for your understanding, now enjoy the details of the update ;)*


  • Tactical map feature, where you can choose to start a new Boot Camp after reaching 1e200 total power points. This starts a new Boot Camp from scratch, and makes you unable to play the current one further. But you gain huge permanent boosts from your old boot Camp (increase in support units deployed, and permanent score MX from your current Boot Camp). You also can choose Boot Camp’s specialization and an extra perk for the new Boot Camp, that allows you to grow it quicker, and also generate a ton more support units. A new Boot Camp gives you additional benefits, such as being able to deploy a ton more often again, generating yourself more support units over time, resetting your Renown level and giving you a chance to gain all of their rewards again.

  • Storing and handling of Battles and units in War Zone has been reworked, which is mostly a backend change, but will help us optimize some performance and scaling issues the game had. Units will now be created in smaller formations, causing less damage overflow, and also allowing us to introduce new interesting upgrades with the upcoming research system.

  • the way we store Boot Camp units and support units in War Zone has been reworked and allows us to scale them far further than we used to

  • With the new Boot Camps and tons of boosts to support unit deployments that you will now gain over time, this allowed us to put a hard cap on “quick deploying”, as that has become a major issue. From now on, deploying in Boot Camp when you’d gain less than 50% of overall contractors increase, will still be possible, BUT it will NOT send those units to War Zone. This still allows for some micromanagement/optimization in early/mid game, but prevents the game turning into a script war and becoming an annoying grind, that halts your Boot Camp progression completely. Now, trying to speed up your Boot Camp will be a perfectly good strategy to generate a lot more support units over time, via the help of the various permanent multipliers you can gain.

  • Max losses of support units during PvP has been reduced from 3% to 2%.

  • Design change of Boot Camp progress bars, that indicate which of your units are specialized, as well as indicating a new Boot Camp was added

  • Some cycling code in Boot Camp has been optimized, that should cause less CPU and RAM usage, and make the animations a bit smoother, especially when you reach 5k+ units.

  • When you reach your second Boot Camp, you will also unlock a second upgrade to all investors, which will double their contractor boost they provide.

  • A ton of new upgrades were added to Boot Camp past e200 point, allowing you to reach much further, and keep that part of the game faster paced. Note that we will continue tweaking this and have left some room, especially because of the upcoming research system which will introduce new boosts

  • some bugs with deploying (deploy button not lighting up immediately) have been fixed, and it should now work better & faster

  • A ton of new units have been added to War Zone, making things a bit more exciting and fresh again!

  • Fixed a bug where in some browser the top right part of the game (menu) was unclickable for some users

  • Using bribe in Boot Camp will no longer reset your trainer specialization. This makes this feature more useful again, especially if trying to go for faster Boot Camp runs. Note that bribing, will still NOT deploy your units to War Zone.

  • Some other smaller bug fixes and improvements were also done in this update

Continue reading

Major update overview: Late-game rework – extending Boot Camp gameplay

Unfortunately, we had a few unforeseen things to deal with and were not able to complete the updates properly to release this week as we had initially hoped (plus we wanted the current competition week to end), but we will definitely be able to release it this coming week!

Currently, we aim to release on Monday or Tuesday, during which there will be a maintenance period of 1-6 hours as we’ll have to adjust some things with user states to properly work with all the new improvements and new content. However, as this is a major update that deals with some of the core code and user states, we’d like to ask for your understanding should any additional delays happen – things are currently looking good, but we want to be as certain as possible that things will work properly in all areas from the start.

We just wanted to give you a heads up, especially if any of the coming changes might affect your choice of strategy in the coming days. For this purpose, and to get you a bit more familiar with the details of the update, we’ve prepared a condensed overview of the update below:

This particular update is set to revitalize boring late-game Boot Camp (BC) gameplay, provide you with un-drainable source of replenishing your support units and with that keep late-game War Zone (WZ) more dynamic, resolve the annoying “quick deploying” issue, spice up the weekly competitions and resolve some issues there, give you different strategy options/game focus, and also introduce some game optimizations (front and backend), that will allow us to scale the game further and improve your experience.

Tactical Map – extending Boot Camp gameplay
Reaching 1e200 Power Points in Boot Camp allows you to start commanding a New Boot Camp from scratch, giving you plenty of (long term)benefits:
A permanent support units MX when deploying (min +100%, +3% for starting a new BC with every e1 (X10) higher than minimum)
Specialize your new Boot Camp in a certain military branch (your land/air/sea units

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