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Country Invasion revamp complete

We are extremely happy to announce that the full revamp of Country Invasion has just been deployed live with today’s update!

Not only the way Country Invasion works has been updated, but the way it looks as well! We believe that these changes will make Country Invasion much more fun, exciting, rewarding and fair to play. With this update, the first introduction of leadership decisions has also been added, which is something we will elaborate on and expand in future updates, as it is something we’ve been longing to do since the beginning.

Since this was a complete rework, we also had to reset the progress of the countries, meaning that countries will now start from „enemy base 1“ – but due to new mechanics should be able to quickly progress to the stages you were at before. Also note that progression calculations and rewards have been updated, along with several bugs fixed, which previously resulted in slightly unbalanced and unfair (bugged) gameplay – all of which is now fixed and works as desired. You will also notice some improvements to the country chat, making it more useful and convenient.

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Country Invasion – Boss Fights – Country Leader and more

The way country Invasion works is getting reworked to make it much funner and exciting to play! We’re currently working on adding additional features/design/animations, making it bug free, user friendlier, improve gameplay, and adding room for some extra country-based strategies…


Country Invasion

The First and the most important improvement is that you’ll now have the option to fight more than one enemy base in a single day (if any completed). Enemy Base progress will be reset, but all of your current clicking force will stay untouched, so your country should get through the early invasions really quickly.

These changes will make sure no one will be left out of the reward pool regardless of when you can get to it in a day! As well as giving strong countries the chance to utilize Continue reading

WarZone has received a small facelift!

We’ve done some reskinning of the WarZone graphics and making sure hard-earned ranks get the attention they deserve! Where are you currently at? Check it out in the new Rankings ladders – Are you a Field Marshall yet or still getting there?

Progressing through military ranks will be much more exciting now, we’ve removed all pop-ups that blocked the game when you reach a new rank. Now you’ll be able to find some cool animations that will show your new achievements more smoothly.

We hope you enjoy the new improvements – more will follow soon!
WarClicks Team

Things to come & development focus

Hey fellow soldiers!

We wanted to give you a quick update on things to come in the following weeks. There’s been a ton of changes in the past month already, but in August we will focus on what we feel are amongst the most pressing problems and overdue improvements to improve the gameplay and your experience!

Let’s start with a few of the smaller things that are on our top list, and have been requested by many of you:

– In-country rankings, so you’ll be able to check where your fellow (and opposing) countrymen rank. Sometimes internal competition is even fiercer than external!
–  investigation of ocassional country chat issues, messages sometimes disappearing etc.
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Meet New Investors

Some players already collected all 10 investors, and that’s arisen curiosity amongst other special investors who can provide you with additional boosts. Meet 2 of them!

-> ‘Shady Ana’ is one of the most powerful women investing in military industry, increasing production boost of every Army Contractor by an additional 150%
-> ‘Wolf of WarClicks’ – a real pain in the ass Investor always wants to turn his investment into quick profits. He adds another 300% boost to every Army Contractor

New Investors

Special Investors

Latest two Investors are ‘Special Investors’ and appear only when you collect all 10 Continue reading

Can you find yourself in the TOP rankings?

Soldiers, can you find yourself amongst the TOP 1000 players? Simply go to the game and you’ll be welcomed with any rewards you’ve qualified for, as our first weekly competition came to an end! All active players are now getting rewards for ranking high in various fields, and why competition is now getting fiercer amongst the top players. Beat your enemies by creating your personal strategy of progressing faster and climb the rankings. We encourage you to do so! (Plus it’s very worth the rewards!)

Congratulations to all winners of the 1st Competition Round!

Congratulations to all winners of the 1st Competition Round!

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Browser game with 50.000 players!

It’s been a long way to reach this huge milestone. We’ve been dealing with various design improvements, bug fixing, planning future updates, analyzing statistics,… We are thrilled that you are supporting us and we would like to thank every single soldier playing the game and participating in our community. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit – join us on channels you are using to get latest news about the game!

Moreover, we have some plans for WarClicks to skyrocket! One of them is to put WarClicks on the biggest browser gaming platform – Kongregate. That would enable us to invest even more in developing the game on higher levels and chasing some

50000 players

50.000 players

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Small Graphical tweaks and storyline

Small graphical tweaks and storyline from warclicks

WarClicks update – Major patch notes

Following up on the weekly competitions release, we wanted to give you a more detailed look of changes since our last patch note – as there’s been many small changes in between, along with many within the competition update it self. That, and some more info on some needed changes along with the competitions that affect your gameplay.

  • various new upgrades have been added to BootCamp progression at later stages, along with some progression improvements

  • a few bugs in WarZone progression have been fixed, along with some exploit prevention for gaining a bit higher score

  • Prevention and automatic fix of some rare bug that froze WarZone for some players

  • Some basic mobile adaptation has been done that makes Warclicks much better playable on mobile devices already (far from optimized, but it’s playable for many now)

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We are happy to announce that our latest major update on WarClicks is NOW LIVE – Weekly Competitions!

Compete with thousands of other players and try to get to the TOP rankings, as it will be worth it – you’ll be given rewards that will give you a long-term epic boost in WarZone or BootCamp, depends on which category you beat your enemies in. So, if you for example get to TOP 10 players by Score, you’ll get a 9% Production Boost in Bootcamp (permanent boost). All further rewards from Competitions are
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