Some players already collected all 10 investors, and that’s arisen curiosity amongst other special investors who can provide you with additional boosts. Meet 2 of them!
-> ‘Shady Ana’ is one of the most powerful women investing in military industry, increasing production boost of every Army Contractor by an additional 150%
-> ‘Wolf of WarClicks’ – a real pain in the ass Investor always wants to turn his investment into quick profits. He adds another 300% boost to every Army Contractor

Special Investors
Latest two Investors are ‘Special Investors’ and appear only when you collect all 10 Main Investors, giving you a chance to expand your Investment Pool and get more PowerPoints/ invest more in training units all for higher profit purposes.
Can you find the two investors in-game yourself, or do you still have to work towards it?
August 2, 2017 at 5:51 am
I purchased both new investors, but now they are no where to be found. They showed up a few days ago, but now they don’s show in my list of investors.
August 30, 2017 at 7:06 am
Hey Larry,
Apologies for the late reply, we were a bit messy in checking/replying to blog comments the past few weeks.
There has indeed been a display issue after 1st August that those 2 investors wouldn’t show up. We fixed it after seeing your comment last week.
Note that they have constantly been applying their boosts even if they were not visible before.