The way country Invasion works is getting reworked to make it much funner and exciting to play! We’re currently working on adding additional features/design/animations, making it bug free, user friendlier, improve gameplay, and adding room for some extra country-based strategies…

Country Invasion
The First and the most important improvement is that you’ll now have the option to fight more than one enemy base in a single day (if any completed). Enemy Base progress will be reset, but all of your current clicking force will stay untouched, so your country should get through the early invasions really quickly.
These changes will make sure no one will be left out of the reward pool regardless of when you can get to it in a day! As well as giving strong countries the chance to utilize their full potential and progress as much as possible.
We are also adding an option to buy more attacking chances by investing some Gold in it, to get that mission finished or complete an extra one, benefiting everyone in your country. Another change is that from now on, Double and Triple DPC upgrades from the shop will also increase your damage per click within Country Invasion as well and give you a stronger impact when attacking enemy bases, along with a better Spoil share.
Wait, there’s more – every 5th enemy base your country will have to put in extra efforts to „Break the Line“ (aka Boss Fights) and advance beyond these super fortified enemy bases. Breaking through by the end of the day will grant extra Gold rewards to all country members, whereas failing to do so by the end of the day will push your forces back to the previous mission. Although you will be able to recoup losses and gain more rewards to grow your strength and break the line another day, only the top countries will be able to break through consistently.
This will require country members to stick together and coordinate attacks like never before to fight through them. Is your country one of them?
With this update we will also be removing country’s stored damage as you know it. But fear not – all stored damage to date, will be converted to Gold and put into Country’s Treasury. This is another new function that will introduce first strategic decision making from the leader of how to best spend Country’s gold. Leaders will be able to strategically choose to skip boss fights if they prove to be too difficult to break. Of course at the cost of lost potential gold rewards, but at least you’ll be leading country towards, tougher but more valuable rewards from attacking regular bases!
Members will also be able to donate extra gold to Country’s Treasury, which will grant them extra voting rights (on top of rank voting value) in some future updates. Let those be a secret for now, to be revealed in future posts.
Hopefully, we’ll go Live with these updates till the end of this week, fingers crossed! So far it’s looking good
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