Take advantage by using Daily Tasks!

What are Daily Tasks and why you should take advantage of them?
Every fighting day you will get an option to complete daily tasks. It is up to you if you’ll take the rewards or not. Tasks are not something mandatory, but can get you a nice advantage in fighting for the first rank in your country!

More details:
New feature consists of 6 different tasks, that change day by day. It is a feature that

Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks

connects both worlds much better then previous game version did. Players will have the option to jump directly from BootCamp to Country Invasion for example. It’s important to resolve all 6 daily tasks to claim your rewards. You’ll be surprised by the rewards you can receive! 😉

Daily Tasks are a simple tool to get additional rewards and climb the rankings. What are you waiting for soldier, try it out! 😉


Wish you good fighting,


Team WarClicks.com

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  1. I have an issue, every daily task have “Check Video AD” in the list, but never is a Video AD available, and there is no Sponsor available in my country, so, i will never be able to complete all the task

    • Hey Einar – Even if there is no video ad available, you will still get a part of the reward and it will still count towards completing the daily task.

      Let me know if something is still unclear :)

  2. Collect button for daily tasks does not work

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