Refer a friend

It’s a war out there soldier and we need every single new recruit we can find. Help us spread the word to get new recruits and you will be rewarded for every single one of them who helps out! Let’s help out our country and make it the strongest as it will benefit all of us!

How referring system actually works?

Simply send your referral link to your friends – share it on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram or any other social sites you are using and we will give you rewards to claim as the user plays.

Be sure to use your referral link, as only in that case we can link that player to you and give reward you properly for your efforts!

Referrals - share

What is a referral link?

Referral link is a simple tool via which anyone joining the game will be marked as your recruit. It’s an awesome, innovative way to help you progress the game faster by getting special rewards, such as BatlleStars (BS) or increasing your chances of getting more chances to win awesome rewards via the  Spin the wheel mini game.

Where to get my referral link and how to use it?

In the top game menu you will find tabs – different icons that represents every single subcategory of the game. Click on the rightmost icon called Refer a friend. A new menu will appear with your referral link included, which you can start using straight away.


Copy and paste the link everywhere on the web where you are getting noticed. Share it on social media or invite your friends through email.

Once you make your first promotion, don’t forget to check your referral list – as the more active your recruits are, the more rewards you will be able to collect. Once a recruit reaches a certain level, a star will show up and by clicking on it you will be able to collect the rewards.

War Clicks referrals

Referral link is in other words the future of recruiting technology, be sure to make use out of it!



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  1. I want to refer a friend but i can’t see the referal button?

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