What is new in our so far biggest update?
- Daily missions
- New currency – GOLD
- In-shop products to boost your playing
- New strategies of playing
Daily missions
Every single day all the players will get a chance to complete daily missions, which will challenge the players in different ways and take them through the different aspects of the game. Their resourcefulness will get them a chance to complete every single mission and to collect the rewards for accomplishing it.

Daily missions
Like we already announced, GOLD is here! There are various ways via which players can now collect gold. Either by accomplishing in-game goals or simply being focused while playing and collecting the random gold drops, the addition of this new and valuable currency is sure to spice up the gameplay. We will let you find out for yourself about all the different ways of how you can collect more gold – can you find them all?
Of course, by introducing this new valuable currency to the gameplay, we have create an in-game shop, where you can buy various interesting upgrades and items that will help you progress the game faster.
New products/upgrades introduced in the shop:
- Double DPC
- Triple DPC
- Speed up
How can players benefit from spending gold for the products?
Our war laboratory scientists have come up with a crazy way to save your valuable time – improve your weapons with the ‘’Double and triple DPC’’ upgrades to make your clicks deal 2 or 3 times more damage by consuming fuel two or three times faster. Somehow they managed to get ensure that the damage boost will also work while defending without consuming any fuel at all! Really a bunch of crazy, but innovative guys… There are even some rumors going around amongst the soldiers that the upgrades might be combined for some deadly effects. It might not be totally safe, but maybe one of you daredevils can see if the rumors hold any merit. Just, be careful…

WarClicks shop
Another addition they have come up with is the ‘’Speed up’’ product which will shorten the waiting time between all defending battles and all time challenges to only 5 minutes of waiting. We predict that players won’t even have to wait for 5 minutes, because they have other mini-games to play within the game between the mini-games refresh. Learn to manage your time, and you will be deadly effective on the battlefield.
We are proud on all of the players of WarClicks working hard to upgrade themselves as a soldiers and also helping their countries climb through the rankings. The battlefield is definitely becoming a lot more interesting with tons of competition to go around.
WarClicks is getting better day by day, improving different aspect of game playing to get players best user-experience. We are also open for any fantastic ideas for implementing new products in the future. So, feel free to contact us or comment …
See you in the game: warclicks.com
Team WarClicks.com
May 19, 2016 at 9:59 am
I love this update! Thank you very much! c: I’m gonna see what I can do with buying gold as that seems to be a fast way to get them, plus it helps you amazing people out too right ~? 😀 I may not get any money til 2 weeks though.
May 19, 2016 at 2:37 pm
Glad to hear you like it! Meanwhile, just keep collecting the free gold you can get, it adds up
But if you wish to speed up the gold collecting and make a purchase, that is definitely something we will highly appreciate, as it will help us develop the game faster and make it better and better, as we definitely intend to keep adding more interesting content and improve the game. Also, if you find anything you don’t particularly like about the game we really welcome any feedback/criticism so we can work on it 
May 20, 2016 at 8:37 am
I mean it would be nice to collect the gold as it gives me a goal, however I want to make a purchase in a few weeks cause I know it helps game developers alot, and you guys deserve it! This is by far the best clicking game I’ve played. c:
As for criticism, The one with the 10 achievements was a bit unfair, But I saw that someone already commented about that problem and I read your reply to them, so other then that? Not really a problem. If I have any ideas for the game, I’ll be sure to comment again!
May 21, 2016 at 1:23 pm
I’m not sure if it was intentional, but there seems to be a bug and I can’t fix it. Everytime I kill an enemy I would get a fuel drop. I’m not sure why this is happening though, I wish to continue playing the game but I don’t wish to take advandage of this strange bug. :c I’m not sure if this is happening for everyone, if it did I’m sure everyone would climb the rank faster.
I hate taking advandages and using bugs, But I REALLY want to continue playing before the day ends!
It was working just fine earlier, and I’m scared to continue playing cause I may be blamed for something I never did wrong, and I love this game alot. Please help me! I won’t touch the game anymore until you guys fix my problem.
See I’m sure other people would abuse this chance but I’m not like that! I prefer to play fairly.
May 22, 2016 at 8:29 am
Yes, there was that issue for about an hour yesterday. We were doing some tests on local for which we rigged fuel drop, and then forgot to change it back when pushing changes online. So anyone who was playing during that time would get fuel drops on every unit.
It has been now long fixed. Thanks for coming to us with the report, the bug has been now long fixed. Not many people were online at that time so it didn’t affect much. And we’re sorry if it caused you any inconvenience!