Today we have added various HotKeys to the game to make it a bit more convenient to use various features! With that we also added the option to PAUSE/Unpause the AutoClicker. You can find the list of Hotkeys by going to settings -> Hotkeys. (If you were in the game make sure to refresh to see these changes properly!)

In short these are the Hotkeys:

Q / W… switches to Boot Camp / War Zone
A / S / D… switch support power to Land / Air / Sea
1… Autocliker Start/ Pause (while in War Zone)
2…start Support attacks (while in WarZone)
3…starts 30s double DPC if you have any (while in War Zone)
Esc… closes the last opened popup/window
Tab…opens/close chat from anywhere in game


We hope you enjoy these – unfortunately they can’t be customized, but we tried to set them up in the most convenient fashion!

War Clicks Team