The research teams have done it again – first CHQ technologies can now be researched!

We’ve just deployed this second part of Command Center improvements! The following Country HQ technologies can now be researched:
-Clicking Force MX (+0.2% per level, ONLY in invasion, not in CvC!), Clicking Force MX in BTL(+0.3% per level), Spoils Points Invasion reward MX (+0.5% per level, only applies to Invasion rewards, NOT CvC!)

A NEW WZ tech: Battle Stars From Units MX(+1% per level)

Other improvements:

– rarity boosts formatted more nicely

– technologies details on hover should no longer be cut for bottom row of techs

Fixed a slight difference in frontend calculations of BC unit costs when buying with OCD or MaxOCD, that in some cases caused progress reversals.

– Fixed post-country donations info on CF and VP change to show properly

– Invasion info about over-clicking update removed

We hope you enjoy these new additions to the Research System –there are more interesting Unlocks (QoL) And Upgrades coming next week, as well as some potential buffs to Research Point gains once those are implemented!