Tagprogress faster

Want to progress faster? Use Time Warps!

Do you ever feel that you’re progressing slower than you’d like? For players that LOVE faster progression, we created a product called Time Warp!

Time Warps are always there to help you progress through the Boot Camp faster. They are like time machines – you’re jumping into the future, gaining all Power Points during the specific period of time.

At times of a completely new world release – Boot Camp on War Clicks, we’ve added a few options of Time Warps, which stayed in the Shop for the whole time & lots of players grab the benefits of this product. We must say that generally speaking players love to use Time Warps, because they can feel the faster progression just in seconds after using a chance. So, Time Warps are close by the side of Investors, if we compare the popularity of products in Boot Camp.

As we lately test some products, we’ve seen that our strongest Time Warp (12 hours) won’t stay the strongest furthermore as players on mid/late game stages don’t find it as useful as it is at the beginning of playing the game.
So, the decision was made & we decided to create additional/ STRONGER and more powerful products! 4 & 8-Times stronger Time Warps are now released and could be used inside the Shop section. 48 & 96- hour Time Warps might help you beat some of your nearest competitors or just create way better experience of playing the game! It’s up to you!

NEW & Stronger Time Warps

NEW & Stronger Time Warps

-> Did you ever experience a boost from Time Warp?
Feel its usefulness and warp into the future now!

Army Privatization- ”Second Prestige”

…introducing a valuable feature for all experienced players of WarClicks. As a part of our rework we’ll introduce another and deepest function of prestiging (deploy-like function)  :

Your country is on the lookout for well-established BootCamps to help grow its strength faster, and it’s offering you special privileges in exchange for your BootCamp progress and all the work you’ve put into it – Army privatization. Pfftt… why would you want to do that? Well, given that status you’ll be getting huge benefits that will help you rebuild faster and becoming even stronger!

Second Prestige

Second Prestige

So, how can this function help you progress faster and when does it appear?

As we improved our game concept by connecting both worlds more tightly, connecting training units with fighting units in WarZone, we decided to offer players another option of sacrificing progress for long-termed boosts via a “Second prestige”. This function works pretty similar to Deploy Troops but on a higher level (sacrifice your current game state for much faster overall progress).

What does Second Prestige?

– resets all BootCamp progress (Units, Power Points, Trainers, Upgrades, Contractors)

– Yes – Army contractors are reset as well with it!

–  Investors remain.

– In turn it gives you a HUGE boost that allows you to speed up through the game faster than ever! Remember when you used Deploy for the first time? Well, this will give that extra rush back to you at higher stages of the game! … Plus it will all connect well with the way BootCamp and WarZone will be connected, and giving you a chance to be able to deploy more troops, more often again!

Second Prestige can be used once you reach 10^30 total Power Points.

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A new video on WarClicks

We’re happy to cooperate with Jman37x – a really nice person working hard on getting new subscribers and more views to his Youtube channel, willing to help WarClicks by making those great videos!

His latest video is about recent updates, explaining some features, giving you more ideas on how to play WarClicks, explaining Country Invasion, Competitions, Trainers, Daily Tasks – so if you have doubts about some feature, you can try to get some explanations in more convenient mode 😉

Check the video here: LINK

However, the video might also be a great tool for all players that want to achieve more rewards (+ Spin the Wheel chances, + More FREE Gold).

How can you use videos to progress faster??
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