Yesterday we’ve uploaded the first set of progression changes, that will affect (increase) your Boot Camp gains.
Specifically what was changed:
Privatization point boost multiplier has been reduced to 1.025 from 1.03 (or from 1.05 in some user cases).
Boot Camp upgrades were vastly increased at almost all stages of the game (Starting mainly from e20+) and made more impactful (before it was mainly just 2x, now you’ll fine even up to x50 multipliers!). Progress at e110+ was slightly increased, and upgrades post e150+ have also been added.

Progression improvements
Before you might think that reduced privatization points multiplier will reduce your overall gain – fear not, as the increased upgrades more than make up for that loss, and will at least maintain your previous production – for most users at most points it will actually be significantly increased!
If you haven’t read it yet, the reasoning for the above was explained in more detail in our previous post found here, but in short: Over the past year or so we have ended up segregating users into 2-3 groups with slightly different upgrade or privatization boosts for various reasons. Via this we also learned that progression based more on upgrades makes for a much more exciting and strategic experience (as there’s more to do constantly and your upgrade choices have more weight), on top of also making it a mess for us to make regular balance improvements easily due to the “3 user groups”. So unifying this via the same privatization boost and same set of upgrades make it much easier to manage.
This also means that users from different groups, might also be affected differently at specific stages – but they will now all follow the exactly same progression curve.
As it’s hard to give exact changes of all the upgrade multipliers etc. that were done, (and most users do not bother with it), we won’t bore you with the details, but are willing to provide more specific details of the exact changes/Differences at different points, just let us know in this post 😉
In the following days/up to two weeks, we’ll be releasing sets of other balance changes to make your experience even better – the followups will mainly address various things in War Zone. There are also some balance backups we’ll have ready with the release of Country vs Country, that will touch a few other progression issues in the game.
We hope you enjoy the new gained boosts 😉
War Clicks team