Tagclicker games

HotKeys + Autoclicker Pause function added

Today we have added various HotKeys to the game to make it a bit more convenient to use various features! With that we also added the option to PAUSE/Unpause the AutoClicker. You can find the list of Hotkeys by going to settings -> Hotkeys. (If you were in the game make sure to refresh to see these changes properly!)

In short these are the Hotkeys:

Q / W… switches to Boot Camp / War Zone
A / S / D… switch support power to Land / Air / Sea
1… Autocliker Start/ Pause (while in War Zone)
2…start Support attacks (while in WarZone)
3…starts 30s double DPC if you have any (while in War Zone)
Esc… closes the last opened popup/window
Tab…opens/close chat from anywhere in game


We hope you enjoy these – unfortunately they can’t be customized, but we tried to set them up in the most convenient fashion!

War Clicks Team

Work in progress – New Convert formula

After some delays I’m happy to report that we’re finally working on finishing the complete rework of the Convert option in Boot Camp to make it always rewarding, relevant to War Zone at any point, and also, we’ve found a few ways to make it additionally more relevant game feature. There were a lot of options to consider in order to ensure it will be „always relevant“.

We want to keep the feature easy to use/understand in-game and just always make it impactful to use. But as we understand a lot of you are very keen on strategy optimizations we feel we should share the underlying changes and how it might affect strategy (because a lot of you will certainly be asking for specifics), and well… also show how in depth we have to think about updates, especially ones revolving about balance/progression – hence why sometimes they might take a bit longer to get out. And that it’s sometimes also really hard to explain these in-game without complicating things 😀

TLDR – we hope to finish implementation tomorrow, where we might adjust some final numbers based on account testing, but the fundamentals of the calculations will remain. In case it requires a bit more testing and fine-tuning, it will be released on Monday. At the bottom of this post there is also a quick recap of other balancing/progression updates we are focusing on after this.

And since these bigger changes/considerations are not really visible to you as players until done, we think it might help fill the gap a bit while waiting on it to be finished, Continue reading

400,000 players!

We didn’t have any strong marketing campaigns lately, as we were working on game development and specification of upcoming projects, and we still achieved a Milestone of 400,000 players at the beginning of June!

Most of our biggest projects should come out in June and this will surely be supported by different marketing campaigns. This will result in an increased player-base.

We are also considering having a referral competition at the end of June, rules and rewards will be given out when we finally decide if we’d like to go with that kind of event.

We are sure War Clicks will become one of the most recognized games of 2018 in idle/clicker niche with all of its features and upcoming improvements. As we are confident with the current number of 400,000 players, we believe that number will go massively up in the following months.

Do you wonder how we are going to achieve this goal?

– new features coming out in June
– improved Help section
– small changes that should results that players would better understand the game
– going on a new platform – Kongregate
– strong marketing strategy for the end of the June
– referral events
– …more

We are fully prepared and looking forward to reaching our next huge Milestone -half of million of players!
Our strategy for the end of 2018 is in place and we are aiming to reach our first million of players by the end of it!. We know that it won’t be easy to reach all of our goals, but in case everything is set up as it should be, we believe we won’t have issues reaching the goals.