Pumpkin Field Invasion Event is here with all of its Halloween Crew along – Mr. Skeleton, Lucifer itself, Immortal Vampires,… – they will help you invade the nearby pumpkin fields. But wait, not everyone is aware that all this is just a Halloween Prank!…
Pumpkin Field Invasion Event is all about taking additional pumpkins from the nearby pumpkin fields, getting extra Halloween members to help you out complete the Halloween mission and provide enough resources needed for Invasion! But wait, not everyone is aware that all this is just a Halloween Prank!

Halloween Game Event – Pumpkin Field Invasion
Maybe it seems easy at first glance, but what if we tell you that the farmers don’t get the joke and are protecting their fields with all of their resources and powers. So, you’ll need to get a smart Halloween crew that will be skilfull and capable of distracting the farmers, so they will get ”free” pumpkins!
You’ve found out that you may establish another business than will help you lower the costs of running a Halloween secret night invasions to a minimum, and eliminate the enormous costs of all the Crew needs. So, you decided to start a sideway business that will directly provide the resources for every specific Halloween ”creature” needs.
There are a bunch of the crew wishes to fulfill, which you will need to complete economically. So, producing direct resources for the whole Halloween crew might be a great idea to follow. But, as the business might seem profitable to run, the farmers may cause you lots of troubles. On every pumpkin field you\’ll come across the angry farmers who will want you stop invading, and you\’ll need to do your best to complete the mission and invade the field successfully.
By producing the resources and boosters you’ll generate money for your Halloween Crew needs and wishes! Build strong Halloween Crew team and invade at least 200 Pumpkin Fields!
There are plenty of different Halloween crew specific strengths and skills and you\’ll need to establish the right one for every member, as some where build so that consumes more energy than needed and there are your problematic as well.
General MasterClicker reported that the first Pumpkin Fields and their farmers are really not that smart, so you should complete first Halloween Missions really easily at first! But as you continue smarter Farmers will be hard to trick, as you’d need to guarantee enough skills and powers to overcome the farmers and their opposing crew. You’ll need to continually recruit new Halloween members, act fast on the field, produce more resources, sell the excess for cash to be able to run a successful Halloween Mission! Good luck on your path of becoming a big Halloween legend! 😉
Note: You are managing your resources from a distance so both Halloween Crew and Crew Boosters will continue producing/ buying/ selling/ working forward even while you are away!
As you invade a pumpkin field and heading over the next one, you’ll also receive various rewards and Experience points (XP), which you will be able to use for some huge bonuses down the line!
Last but not least, General MasterClicker asked a ton of other excited Halloween crews to help him on this Halloween mission, you are not alone. Those who manage to complete the strongest Pumpkin Fields will be given huge rewards at the end of the event. So make sure to check out the Event rankings and see how you are doing compared to other players and try to outperform them – we know you can!
The Winner of the Event (player who invade the hardest Pumpkin Field) will be given a special User Trophy – A Title of the Winner of Pumpkin Field Invasion Event! That Title will stay on their profiles forever!
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