New Features – Game Update

According to some of our game analysis we’ve decided to prepare new features for better user experience.
– New registration process for new users
– Buy OCD
– Bribe Army Contractors

Bribe Army Contractors

Bribe Army Contractors

As we are trying to give players the best possible user experience, our goal is to get players coming back to the game and competing with friends more often. For that reason, we’ve changed some of our registration processes, rewarding players with

some Gold if registering on WarClicks. According to our analysis, registered players stays more time in the game, that’s what important for game competitiveness on the long run.

The second feature released today is a feature called Buy OCD – meaning that you now have the option to buy units till next milestone. It’s a feature that optimizes buying units in BootCamp.



Bribe Army Contractors is also a feature that can help you progress faster through the game. It’s the option where you can Bribe pending Army Contractors with in-game currency (Gold). In this case Army contractors will join you without deploying (reseting) your current progress.

Team WarClicks

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  1. What happened to the random fuel/gold drops in the warzone, havent seen one of those over the last week or 2?!

    • Hey Rykon,

      Apologies for such a late reply – somehow missed the comment being posted.

      While drops are random, if you’re experiencing that for a prolonged time it would indeed be an issue. Have you received drops since then or not?

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