First, we’d just like to throw a reminder, that there won’t be such a generous shop gold sale for quite a while, so if you’re looking to stock up on gold at great rates you still have about 10 hours left
As we already announced we are going to be running Discord Events from time to time, where we want to take some time to hear and discuss various topics with you guys, in order to help us better determine our update priorities and develop the game in a direction we all will enjoy!
The first event will be tomorrow – Tuesday, Mar19, 15:00 GMT, focused around the following topics:
- Country HQ / CvC improvements (rewards, balancing, country change, additions, …)
- Reporting most annoying bugs, general game improvement, QoL requests
- Improved competition, Event-related, most annoying things in War Clicks
… Basically, anything not related to game progression/balance/late game, but with a focus on Country HQ and its features
The Second event will be ran towards the end of this week, likely at a more US-friendly hour (so a bit later), with a focus on:
-Late game balancing, mechanic/main game loop changes, ideas for extending content and making late-game more interesting for months/years to play
Discord is the perfect platform to discuss various things with you in an organized fashion, so if you don’t have an account yet, it is simple to create. We’ll also create specific reddit/kongregate forum topics, if you can’t make the discord events, but would still like to get your say/ideas/thoughts to us!
See you on Discord tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19th at 15:00-17:00 GMT)
Discord invitation link:
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