
Competitions update delayed

We have some unfortunate news regarding the newest competitions update – we were getting new updates live, but ran into some major performance issues, due to which we have to postpone it, as some things need to be optimized.

We were really looking forward to getting this out now, as it’s a really cool update – and we tried to come up with some fast improvements, but it is simply not sufficient enough to put it out without temporary issues/major slowness in latency.

We will have to rework how we handle some data first thing next week and get it out then.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused and the additional delay.


It’s been a while since we posted major update, as we were working on one that we are almost finished with – Competitions are coming to WarClicks, where you will not be able to fight for various rankings on a weekly basis. Top players (both new and old) will be able to compete every week for special badges that will not only look cool in your profile, but also give you some special boosts for your WarZone and BootCamp. This update is not meant only as a reward for your constant efforts, but also to give everyone something additional to aim for every week!

It’s coming soon, so you better start preparing your strategy of how you’ll beat your opponents and become the better player.

As you’ve noticed we are changing and improving the game constantly and this will be one of the first updates to make it more interesting, competitive and rewarding to play for everyone! Check out our the first leak of graphics(rewards) for the upcoming COMPETITIONS!

Active players will be rewarded for their activities and positions in the weekly competitions. Higher rankings = higher rewards.


Special sale on our biggest product!

40.000 GOLD (+ 50,000 Battle Stars FREE) are included in our latest promotion. – 25% OFF! Only on  29th & 30th  June!

Don’t know what to spend the Gold on?
– Investors – increase production boost every single contractor gives by 1% – 50%, which can result in up to 50x+ times faster progression through the game!
– Time Warp – Jump  3-12 hours into the future and gain all benefits you’d made meanwhile
– Bribe – attract pending army contractors to join your cause without deploying (without reseting your progress) – Pending contractors turned into active ones
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45,000 players

Number of players is growing every hour. We are proud on every single player who joins our community and continues to play the game for a longer period of time. Hopefully, you are enjoying the game as much as we enjoy making it funner and more playable with the help of constantly analysing it and listening to your feedback.

We are happy to note, that we are not just growing, but growing faster! For example, WarClicks came from 40.000 to 45.000 players in 74% less time compared to going

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New Features – Game Update

According to some of our game analysis we’ve decided to prepare new features for better user experience.
– New registration process for new users
– Buy OCD
– Bribe Army Contractors

Bribe Army Contractors

Bribe Army Contractors

As we are trying to give players the best possible user experience, our goal is to get players coming back to the game and competing with friends more often. For that reason, we’ve changed some of our registration processes, rewarding players with

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Army of more than 40.000 players

We are proud to announce that WarClicks reached the latest milestone of 40.000 players. Thank you all for supporting us on this journey of Warclicks’ success! We are improving the game experience, optimizing the game progress, analyzing playability, checking user feedback – All this to offer all players the best possible experience when playing the game. The game has lots of potential, during the recent months we got additional media coverage and we are also proud of players spreading the word

40,000 players

40,000 players

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Voting System

We’ve released a new voting system on WarClicks where you’ll be able to get some additional boost for your BootCamp progress, don’t miss that out!

Voting System

Voting System

Voting System will give you up to 24 hours 150% production boost in Bootcamp! So it’s quite a cool new tool giving you a chance to boost your progress in BootCamp and consequently in WarZone. By using this new reward system you will not only boosts your own progress, but also help WarClicks rank higher on various games list and in

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Take advantage by using Daily Tasks!

What are Daily Tasks and why you should take advantage of them?
Every fighting day you will get an option to complete daily tasks. It is up to you if you’ll take the rewards or not. Tasks are not something mandatory, but can get you a nice advantage in fighting for the first rank in your country!

More details:
New feature consists of 6 different tasks, that change day by day. It is a feature that

Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks

connects both worlds much better then previous game version did. Players will have Continue reading


Milestones menu has recently been added to BootCamp. Now you have a way to check your current progress and plan your next move in the idle part of the game.

How can milestones help you reach faster progress?

Besides it definitely being  a nicer view for your current progress, you can also use it to help you plan your next move to optimize your progress better. There is a list of all current units that shows you all reached and upcoming milestones. Players also have the chance to check their total progress of all reached milestones.

Why do players bother to reach next milestone?



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Army of more than 27.000 soldiers!

WarClicks is spreading fast, at the moment there is an army of more than 27.000 soldiers and new ones coming every single hour! We are proud to have you supporting us and help us unveil the full potential of this game! As for now, we are trying to get more exposure on other gaming or related sites, which is important to get more players into the game and with that a harder competition to beat in this globally based community game.
We’ve managed to get on and with your help we can get into Top 10 browser games!
Support us & vote for WarClicks on the link below:

browser game list

browser game list

Follow us also on our official social media channels to stay informed about new upcoming game elements, upcoming shop sales, other cool stuff,…

See you in the game, Team