How to get the most out of your PvP battle experience?
After implementing a completely new feature never seen in this genre before, we find it important to show it also on specific examples.
What are PvP battles and how they works?
Every 10th battle is a PvP battle that pits you against other players. In other words, it’s a simulation battle against other players’ statistics and their current progress based on calculations of Support Units*
*All Trained units deployed/sent from BootCamp into WarZone; Support units are divided into 3 different groups – Land Units (Assault Vehicle, Infantry Fighting vehicle, Main battle tank, Self propelled artillery, Mobile rocker launcher), Air Units (Attack helicopter, Fighter, Super bomber) and Sea Units (Nuclear attack submarine, Massive battle cruiser) ).
PvP battles are played in WarZone!
How to start a PvP battle?
Whenever player Deploys Troops from BootCamp to Warzone, more Support Units are added and with that player immediately more has power when fighting battles, the same stands for PvP battles – by having more Support Units your power goes up.

Deploy Troops to gain more power in WarZone

Go to WarZone and check your power
Entering a PvP Battle…
System is looking for your opponents…

Entering PvP battles