We just deployed a smaller update that fixes & changes some things in Country HQ:
– Invasion unlock and buy chances now have a confirmation popup so you can’t use them by mistake
– Country stats are not working in some cases fixed
– We made Treasury gold gained from completing Break the Line battles scale with the amount of active users a country has, to make it fair. The treasury gold reward will scale at the same time as upgrade costs.
Furthermore, with this change the Air Strike cost was increased by 50%
– Unfortunately, we have not yet managed to get our new chat working on the live servers -> we are working frantically to get it sorted as we know it’s missed and it’s going to be an awesome addition!

Working on game improvements
After a lot of feedback and thinking we have also decided to change the way country score competition works. Now it will NOT compare score difference from end of last week, but only count gained score in a country by all users during a competition week.
This will remove a lot of confusion about the competition and make the results less dependent on any players not being active.
This week we are also focusing on many bugfixes and improvements that have been annoying you guys the most! We hope to have a large list of fixes for you to read by the end of the week J Next week we will be relooking at any number/balance changes for Country HQ so we appreciate any additional feedback
Have a lovely day!
War Clicks Team