
Research system Bugs resolved

Yesterday and today we uploaded some fixes & improvements to Research System, which in some cases of moving items around caused a few weird bugs, and even broke inventories for some.

We’ve resolved a bunch of issues there and also re-added some items that disappeared for some users after combining. To make sure these changes are working for you, please refresh the game if seeing this message while playing :)

We are still looking into some other potential issues, but they seem much less common and hard to replicate, so should work much better already! We also fixed a bug that prevented you from buying “sacrifice loss” upgrade with research points.
The past month has been a bit slow with general updates, due to some vacations and unavailability of our team, but July should be fruitful with a lot of bugfixes, research system improvements, QoL/automation updates! :)

Development update 27th September

In this week we have deployed a few important game updates:
– ‘Starting Story’ for new players
– How to get more Gold in-game – new popup added
– New Switch Zone Screen animations
– Rank gained – reward info popup added

And resolved important bugs from the list:

-prevented a super rare bug that could result in resetting support units
– Autoclicker texts improved once showing use Autoclicker instead of cooldown
– Support Power animations not popping up through Free Gold popup, Re-Supply Truck popup, Daily Mission popup anymore
-Time challenge weird sounds resolved
-if not finishing the boss, switching to Boot Camp and going back allows you to attack it now
– can’t close the mission tab after finishing it – RESOLVED
– prevent deploying with 0 contractors in JS issue should be sorted
– AutoClicker animations and sounds now stop when running out of fuel
– AutoClicker stops after opening certain popups (daily mission, army setup)
– Competition popup – stats on details updated added

Hopefully, tomorrow we are releasing HOTKEYS, they are almost done, but will need a few additional checks so that all goes well once deployed. Moreover, we will also be releasing upgrade tiers in Army Setup for HQ DPC upgrades, that will enable us to ensure all sort of upgrades are worth it even in later stages!

Development Updates – 9th August


We have just pushed several updates, bug fixes/improvements to War Clicks:

resolved an issue where renown goal rewards caused some potential unit/upgrade loss, as they weren’t immediately considered on state update (i.e. Buying 25 units, and it reverted to 23 units bought)

Resolved some potential cycle gain display issues on Boot Camp tents (e200, stuck animation...)

Fixed a case where farm icon would not show

Fixed an issue where out/in focus could create doubled events in Boot Camp (buy 1 unit, but ti buys twice, trainers  pop up open/close immediately)

Improved some settings that potentially caused 403 errors if you had game opened for several hours

Ranks and Renown  information popups improved design and with more information on future rewards

Changed chat date format

added some missing click sounds, and some other minor display fixes

Fixed an issue where in IE you couldn’t click on “sacrifice” or “farming” after losing a Boss battle
Thanks to everyone for your feedback and help with reporting any issues and giving out suggestions. A lot more updates, improvements and bug fixes are comings in the following week as well 😉

Have fun playing! :)


Bugfixes and improvements – 13th March 2018

  • Loading time when switching zones is no longer fixed – it will now last as long as the request lasts, in most cases under 0.5 sec
  • Improved several issues with in/out of focus and other issues related to “game init” – less blank screens when switching, and no freezing of tents or making WZ unit unclickable.
  • Fixed issue when getting back in focus and clicking on buy unit would reset that unit buy – issue was that first click triggered game re-init. Now the first click action is simply not registered as an action, thus preventing this occurrence.
  • Changed colors on competition tab to make it more visible
  • Fixed “All achievements completed” bug when they were not actually finished
  • Daily mission issue of getting ‘2 same missions to chose from’ resolved
  • Daily mission widget issues with closing fixed


We expect to deploy a lot more additional bug fixes and improvements throughout this week for improved experience. We will also be working on several updates for improved progression and feel of the game in the coming weeks!

Patches and bugfixes – 23rd Dec – 24th Jan

We’ve been doing a lot of consistent improvements and updates to the game in the last 30 days – some of the main features have received their own posts with more information, but here’s a quick recap of various small fixes, improvements and updates that were added:

  • Improved loading screen handling
  • Sorted some remaining bugs when putting game out of focus and back in that caused some display issues
  • SPW properly reducing chances if respin is won
  • New Splash pages added for you to use, along with prettified refer-a-friend section

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