Hey everyone!

We felt like we need to give you a proper update and explanation of the past few weeks’ delays in our responses and mainly about some development delays we have been facing – slow bugfixes, lack of updates/patches and setbacks in working on additional game features and just generally making the game even funner to play.

First of, we have had some availability issues with our main project programmer, which resulted in lack of urgent bugfixes and work on new features and improvements pretty much stalled due to this. In the meantime, to keep the game and development from completely stalling, I have picked up on any urgent bugfixes and worked on updating the game as much as I could myself. This not only slowed down the pace of development but also caused a lack of progress on some other areas we want to improve and focus on in April – being more in touch with the community, improving game progression and work together with the team to discuss future updates to the game thoroughly, and give you a proper idea of where we want to head with future development.

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