Tagpromo codes

Time Warps are now storable!

In the latest update about the Promo codes, we’ve changed some important functioning of Time Warps. As of now, the Time Warps have been triggered immediately after collected from Daily Tasks and Daily Rewards or bought from the Shop section. But, after some consideration and lots of player reports about bad experience, especially on Daily Tasks & Daily Rewards, we’ve changed Time Warps to instead be a consumable!

So, now after you’ve completed your Daily Task, you’ll collect and store the Time Warp, instead of triggering it immediately. The same goes to Daily Rewards!
Within the Shop we are adding the Store option, but keeping the immediate gain possibility, so you can decide what you like: to trigger the boost just after buying the product or keeping it for a later use. It’s all up to you and what you prefer! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Promo Codes are out!

As we announced the Promo codes will go out somewhere this week, we can confirm that we’ve finished the project and proudly present them today!
Promo codes are a great way to get yourself more boosts! To ensure that, you’ll need to insert the code within Activity Rewards popup (in War Zone; icon next to Spin the Wheel; opens when you’ve reached at least battle 13).

Insert promo codes here..

The addition of promo codes will allow us to use them in various ways – the first and the most important for a regular user are Daily Codes, which will be distributed through our social media channels on Facebook & Twitter every day. Feel free to Like & Follow us there as we would appreciate every new follower/share/retweet/share as a small sign of appreciation & support.

an example of a promo code

We want to give players what they most like, so the rewards should be worthwhile, focused towards boosting your progress in Boot Camp & War Zone.

This is not all, we’ll every now and then hide a valid Promo code somewhere inside the game (those types of actions will be announced through in-game announcements). We’ll also be sharing promo codes via email (for players registered and playing from the official website: https://warclicks.com/ ), so keep an eye on your registered emails as soon something might appear there.

Enough words already, give me the code now! ๐Ÿ˜€

valid Daily code which can be received on Facebook and Twitter

valid Today’s Daily code which can be received on Facebook and Twitter

Have fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

War Clicks Team