Tagpower points


Milestones menu has recently been added to BootCamp. Now you have a way to check your current progress and plan your next move in the idle part of the game.

How can milestones help you reach faster progress?

Besides it definitely being  a nicer view for your current progress, you can also use it to help you plan your next move to optimize your progress better. There is a list of all current units that shows you all reached and upcoming milestones. Players also have the chance to check their total progress of all reached milestones.

Why do players bother to reach next milestone?



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Training Camp – Part II.

As we promised, we are giving out further updates about new upcoming elements of the game…

As you gain  power points, our prestige system  “deploy troops”  will be introduced. Deploying troops will reset the idle game progress for you, but you will gain army contractors in return, that will contract your military base and give you huge boosts to your production. This will enable you to re-climb to your previous point-in-game much faster, and let you progress beyond of what you simply could not without these bonuses. For those of you unfamiliar with such mechanics, it is what makes the game very re-playable and makes players want to keep pushing for that “upper limit” and seeing how far they can climb. The main allure of all this is that you keep unlocking new units, upgrades and features – it really becomes addicting and interesting for far



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