We want to give you a quick update on this. As all of these updates are quite significant in their own, we want to make sure we do them all properly, and also to not suddenly shower you with them.

Also, if we worked on finishing all of them properly before releasing anything, we think that 3-4 weeks without any updates is quite a lot, and that we will probably be better off splitting these updates into a few batches.

This will help us keep better development focus, ensure you are not showered with tons of huge updates suddenly, help us develop/think certain things through better and generally ensure better update quality and keep things more interesting for you all!

In short, we will be releasing these updates in this order, we are aiming to release the first & most cruicial one, sometime next week:

*Information is condensed here, to outline the major changes only. Any boosts or specifics mentioned are still subject to change/balancing.

1) Lategame rework and extending Boot Camp gameplay

This includes being able to start a new Boot Camp at a certain point, which will get you started on a new fresh Boot Camp, as you expand your military production.

This will ensure you can always get more units deployed to War Zone, as you will never be stopped by “slow late game progression” and exponential issues the game brings.

New BCs will give you permanent score MX, permanent MX to deploying support units, and also you will be able to choose 2 different perks/bonuses for each Boot Camp playthrough:

First one is a specialization choice, which will give you air/land/sea BC units a Continue reading