Tagdevelopment update

Development update 27th September

In this week we have deployed a few important game updates:
– ‘Starting Story’ for new players
– How to get more Gold in-game – new popup added
– New Switch Zone Screen animations
– Rank gained – reward info popup added

And resolved important bugs from the list:

-prevented a super rare bug that could result in resetting support units
– Autoclicker texts improved once showing use Autoclicker instead of cooldown
– Support Power animations not popping up through Free Gold popup, Re-Supply Truck popup, Daily Mission popup anymore
-Time challenge weird sounds resolved
-if not finishing the boss, switching to Boot Camp and going back allows you to attack it now
– can’t close the mission tab after finishing it – RESOLVED
– prevent deploying with 0 contractors in JS issue should be sorted
– AutoClicker animations and sounds now stop when running out of fuel
– AutoClicker stops after opening certain popups (daily mission, army setup)
– Competition popup – stats on details updated added

Hopefully, tomorrow we are releasing HOTKEYS, they are almost done, but will need a few additional checks so that all goes well once deployed. Moreover, we will also be releasing upgrade tiers in Army Setup for HQ DPC upgrades, that will enable us to ensure all sort of upgrades are worth it even in later stages!

Development Updates – 15th August

In the past week we have gotten rid of various bugs, display issues, small improvements – most notably:


  • resolved some renown reward addition issues (which actually caused another bug where more gold was given out during the weekend for renown rewards, until it was fixed)
  • IE sacrifice unclickable issue resolved, duplicated daily mission choice resolved
  • a discount has been added to the bribe option and the final autoclicker upgrade found in the shop



We will be rolling out several progression / balance improvements in the following week, from finally revamping the Convert rewards in Boot Camp to scale properly, balancing War Zone better, adding various other improvements to the game etc. We also will be looking at some loading/server issues some of you have been experiencing at times, which make it a bit annoying at times! We’ve got a huge list of things we want to work on in the following weeks, so expect a lot of these to be sorted.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone for your feedback and suggestions – mainly on where you think the game does currently not provide a great experience, which for most seems to be the „early game„ as it losses excitement at points. We will be addressing this with not only improved presentation and features, but importantly also look at various gold boosts/upgrades and improving gold-collection. Delivering a great, fun, exciting experience to everyone (at any game-point) is something we’re striving towards and where we will be putting a lot of our focus on in the following weeks!


Thanks for your patient!

Have fun :)


Development Updates – 2nd July

Yesterday’s deployed update covers:

  • Fixed many Autoclicker issues where opening/closing various popups would mess it up.
  • Autoclicker issues with switching screens should be resolved.
  • Autoclicker should now work/catch up properly if window is out of focus. This catch up was also optimized so it shouldn’t suddenly “freeze” your browser anymore.
  • AutoClicker exploit via out-focusing your tab on Boss fights is now prevented
  • Various minor bug fixes and display issues have been sorted in Country HQ and some other parts of the game.

War Clicks team

Development update

Just a short sum of what we are currently working on… Our programming team is working on optimizing new goals that will be represented in the following days, which will give you a clearer overview of boot camp numbers and also be able to collect rewards by reaching goals on your road to becoming the most powerful soldier in WarClicks!

On the other side, we are going fully in promoting the game, creating a Press-Kit page so that we have a tool for all journalist around that are willing to spread the word Continue reading