In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be working on some UX and UI improvements, with the goal to ensure our players can understand and use some features better. Let’s just give a real example of Deploy Troops feature.
According to some of our analyses, we’ve been aware that Deploy Troops feature offers a terrible experience when you get there for the first time.

Previous Version of Deploy Troops mode
In general: way too much of texts on the left and lots of different numbers on the right side that causes a complete mess in the players head. We believe we owe our players to create a way better experience on those function as we find it one of the most important features in Boot Camp. Players that haven’t experienced the value of Deploy Troops or Bribe function are not playing the best experience War Clicks can surely offer. That’s why we decided to make it clearer and that’s the result of our remake.

New version of Deploy Troops Mode
To give a bit more explanation behind the story of Army Contractors/ Investors and Bribe vs. Deploy mode and to ensure you understand the game and its features better…read below…
Army Contractors – are ‘’produced’’ when you progress through the Boot Camp. They don’t give you any value until you claim them. Once claimed they grant you a huge production boost, so you are progressing way faster – producing more units and so on.
Real example (based on the numbers from the picture above):
Let’s assume that you’ve claimed Army Contractors by :
– using Deploy Troops mode –
3.105B Army Contractors will be added to your account immediately
1.814T Production boost will be added to your current boost of 85.887M
You’ll send all of your currently produced units to War Zone where they will become a part of your Support Power and DPC
You’ll reset units, upgrades, trainers, trainer upgrades and Power points
Small Hint: Check your Gold balance and if you find enough Gold, spend it for Investors to gain additional Boosts on every Army Contractor!
– using Bribe mode –
3.105B Army Contractors will be added to your account immediately
1.814T Production boost will be added to your current boost of 85.887M
You will not reset your current progress
You will not send units to War Zone
How to progress through the Boot Camp faster?
1. Claim as many army contractors as you can
2. Increase your Boost per every Army Contractor you own

Open Trainers & Investors menu

Ensure you buy as many Investors as you can
What is the difference between Deploy Troops vs. Bribe Army Contractors?
Deploy Troops
Bribe Army Contractors
RESET units, upgrades, trainers, trainer upgrades, Power points |
Send currently produced Boot Camp units to War Zone |
Free to use |
Army Contractors joins immediately after use |
Gain Production boost |