The release of Country vs Country feature (CvC) later this week will add an interesting community and tactical level to the game, and finally give a deeper meaning and a goal to countries and how each player contributes.

Country Vs. Country front battles

Country Vs. Country front battles

We’ve designed CvC battles to be based off countrymen decisions, strategy, and some speculation of what the opponent will do. It was also important for us to ensure a country can become stronger, but also to be beatable no matter how strong it is! Additionally we want to promote „smart decisions“ and teamwork, but also add an element where an individual decision can add some personal benefits, and add a new way a country can accumulate gold with.In this post, we want to focus on how the rewarding system will work, and how we are also reworking the spoil points rewards, which will also affect/improve the existing Country Invasion rewards.
CvC Front rewards Each front the country will fight on (one attacking, and 0-X defending) will reward each of the sides with a set base amount of gold, multiplied with a scaling factor for country’s active users (similarly upgrade costs and Break The Line (BTL) rewards work).
Based on how well each of the sides fight (for defending side indicated by % of Headquarters (HQ) health left, for attacking % of HQ damaged), this gold reward will receive an additional 0-100% bonus.
Gold rewards are paid to the Country Treasury – even if a front is lost the reward is still paid, just that the better the country does on the front, the more gold it will