
Achievements & Milestones

As we promised in the previous post, we’ll keep you updated about our development and new features coming out and all improvements following as well!

Today, we’ll introduce the changes to upcoming achievements and milestones…
We’ve decided to unify both menus as we think that should be the easiest way for players to understand the mechanics and get a nicer view on their progress/ upcoming rewards for their continuous training and fighting. Achievements/milestones icons will be found just below the profile and presented by the same icon. Ultimately how they work will stay the same, but make it that much clearer – so achievements stay in WarZone – and are still a reward you get for fighting there. Milestones are achieved  in BootCamp by training more units, and are a great tool to see what can you get once upgrading the specific unit to the first upcoming milestone. This tool can be used for those who want to get started with the game more seriously and strategizing about the units they want to build next!



Achievements/ milestones will now get also a new neat-looking notification notice, Continue reading


Milestones menu has recently been added to BootCamp. Now you have a way to check your current progress and plan your next move in the idle part of the game.

How can milestones help you reach faster progress?

Besides it definitely being  a nicer view for your current progress, you can also use it to help you plan your next move to optimize your progress better. There is a list of all current units that shows you all reached and upcoming milestones. Players also have the chance to check their total progress of all reached milestones.

Why do players bother to reach next milestone?



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