We believe that you’re in need of some more gold, right?
Do you imagine what you would do with an extra 100, 500, 1.000, 10.000+ Gold? Are your friends beating your ass in the game and you want to show them that you’re one crazy player not willing to stop fighting?
For all those reasons we’re working closely with our partners trying to create the best playing experience as possible! ‘Free Gold’ is a great way to increase your Gold balance for doing simple tasks, completing surveys, giving your opinions, installing apps, watching videos, signing up…
Do you believe sharing your opinion could help you collect more Gold? Would you spend it for Time Warps or for 2x/3x DPC items or for new Investors, Trainers or do you prefer cosmetic items and you’ll change the wallpapers in BootCamp or WarZone?
We’d love to hear what you are up to?
Lots of players are already using this strategy of gaining Free Gold by completing simple tasks and we believe a lot more will join them in the following days. There are new features coming out on War Clicks, so you’d better stock up yourself with the Gold as it will surely help you progress through the game easier!

Different ways of earning Free Gold
So, what are you waiting for? Check out what’s there for you and keep in mind that offers are updating quite regularly, so make sure to check back often!