We just received awesome news from IndieDB that War Clicks have made it into the TOP 100 Indie Games of 2018! We are proud that we are now in the Finals, which wouldn’t be possible without such a great community and every one of you that are creating War Clicks special every day!
We’d like to thank every one of you who already voted in the previous round and would also ask you to Vote once again here:
->> VOTE for War Clicks in the Finals

Finals of the Best Indie game of the year
We already reached the Title of TOP100 Indie Games of 2018 (by IndieDB) and would appreciate every effort to help War Clicks further to reach a title of Best Indie of the Year! That won’t be easy as the competition is now tougher, but with your help we can try to get into the Best game by players’ or Editors choice categories..
Feel free to share the word about the Final Votings with your friends, so we can together create a great story of success and get an important title with War Clicks!!
Thanks once again!
…There is still a few hours until the end of the 1st Event…. so make the final hours count and try to get the best rewards as you can! 😉
Play 1st War Clicks Event before it ends …
Have an awesome day! 😉