Country Headquarters (HQ) feature has been out for about 2 weeks now, and we’ve received tons of positive feedback about it! During this time we have also looked at ways to improve and re-balance it. So we are glad to let you know that the following changes have been put live to make it an even better experience:
– Country upgrades voting council decision power has been increased from 50 to 75%
– Air Strike voting council decision power has been increased from 75 to 85%
– Air Strike minimum overall voting participation has been reduced from 50% to 40%
– Voting Power gained from donations (per 100 gold) has been increased from 0.01 to 0.1.
– Voting Power per rank has been increased from 0.5 to 1
– Clicking force multiplier gained from donations (per 100 gold) has been increased/doubled from 0.001 to 0.002!
– The „spoils increase“ country upgrade has been buffed significantly. From 1%/2%, to 5%/10% increase.
-„Extra chances“ reward eligibility on spoils convert have been buffed from a 1% increase to a 5%. We’ve also made it clearer on how this value can be increased.
All of the above changes have been done to ensure voting on choices is effective and with best interests of the country in mind, as well as give a more significant reward to players who donate – not only in making decisions, but also getting a bit more directly out of it via increased Clicking Force. We will be having a look every week and adjust things additionally to deliver you the best experience possible! Note that any potential upgrade or donation changes will have these effects applied, even if they were done before
War Clicks team