
New BootCamp & Army Privatization – Video

Feel free to check out new video of Jman37X and get to know more about BootCamp and its features to understand the game better and to gain more benefits against your opponents!

If there are still more questions about some features not described enough, please let us know and we’ll try to explain you in more details!

Enjoy watching the video 😉

Are you up to manage your army properly?

Get under the wing of General Master Clicker and start building/training your army in the safe confines of BootCamp.  Building more units in BootCamp will now give you more power in WarZone once you Deploy your troops there!




BootCamp is where you begin your military career and build up your power that will be the key of getting through the WarZone. You will now have the ability to access WarZone when you think you are ready to fight. Deploying your units will empower your fighting forces, so the strategy of playing depends on you. Will you still be using Bribe feature to get more from each „deploy“ or you will you rather use Deploy now, to build up your army as quickly as possible? We hope, that you’ll find the best mix of all features in BootCamp to get your soldier to Top positions!

You’ll have two different types of connections between two worlds – Deploy and also Continue reading

Army of more than 27.000 soldiers!

WarClicks is spreading fast, at the moment there is an army of more than 27.000 soldiers and new ones coming every single hour! We are proud to have you supporting us and help us unveil the full potential of this game! As for now, we are trying to get more exposure on other gaming or related sites, which is important to get more players into the game and with that a harder competition to beat in this globally based community game.
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WarClicks.com Team