MonthNovember 2017

SHOP – working on a friendlier experience

We’ve managed to finish new graphics for a completely new Shop look. The new design should result in a friendlier user experience of searching and buying products you like to use when fighting/ training units.

New Shop_preview

New Shop_preview

As a result of new WarZone mechanics, we also need to change the Shop a bit, as not every product you know now, will still be part of the game after the rework.
We needed to exclude some products:
– Unlock all Defends (can’t be used in new version of WarClicks, because Defend won’t be a feature anymore)
– Vacation mode (this feature is based on Defend, so it is removed now)
– AutoClicker (function, as you know for now wouldn’t be available in the newer version, so we need to exclude it from the Shop)

That’s just a step forward in pushing WarClicks towards a deeper level of enjoyment Continue reading

PvP battles – all is fair in love and war

Today we want to introduce you to one of the things we’re looking most forward to as part of the rework – PvP (player vs player) battles!

This rework is a perfect time for us to add to the game something that has not been done to an extent we wanted to – a bigger feel of competitiveness and strategy, as well as making the core of WarZone less repetitive and more exciting.

We have been looking at tons of options to achieve that and have after careful consideration narrowed it down to something we feel will integrate extremely well into the core experience.

WarZone is a dangerous and competitive place – not only do you fight to proceed through battles and increase your power, now every 10th battle will also be a test of your strength and how well you fair against other players.

PvP battles - choose your opponent

PvP battles – choose your opponent

In PvP battles you will get a chance to fight with one of several opponents, who will be similar to you in strength – who you choose to fight is up to you as you might have strengths over someone. To aid you in your choice basic information about the Continue reading