We’ve managed to finish new graphics for a completely new Shop look. The new design should result in a friendlier user experience of searching and buying products you like to use when fighting/ training units.

New Shop_preview
As a result of new WarZone mechanics, we also need to change the Shop a bit, as not every product you know now, will still be part of the game after the rework.
We needed to exclude some products:
– Unlock all Defends (can’t be used in new version of WarClicks, because Defend won’t be a feature anymore)
– Vacation mode (this feature is based on Defend, so it is removed now)
– AutoClicker (function, as you know for now wouldn’t be available in the newer version, so we need to exclude it from the Shop)
That’s just a step forward in pushing WarClicks towards a deeper level of enjoyment Continue reading